Dog behavior

How much is disposition and when are there external influences?

What determines behavior?

Behavior is influenced by various things.

inherited traits from father and mother

the learned

special situations

Behavior genes have a significant impact on every dog and lay the foundation for behaviors that, without training, traumatic experiences, and special handling, precisely exhibit the predetermined behavioral patterns.

Already in the whelping box, it becomes apparent how different each puppy is in behavior. If all puppies of a litter were to grow up under exactly the same conditions, the genetic basis of behavioral genes would become visible.

However, every puppy experiences different things, both positive and negative influences shape their further development. A puppy with a solid foundation in their behavioral genes is more tolerant of negative influences. They can handle many things better and can also become a pleasant companion even if the training was less intensive.

A puppy with noticeable behavioral genes will only develop into a stable character if it is fortunate enough to grow up in a suitable family for it.

The selected male for your female dog is typically a family dog with a certain degree of training. More or less investment has been made in training, and his behavior genes, the basis, will not be readily visible anymore. If he was a problem dog, this may not be recognized upon meeting. The same naturally applies to the female dog!

If both parent animals are only slightly conspicuous, the combination of the two can produce problem dogs that should be placed only in experienced hands and will likely be low in fault tolerance for their entire lives.

It is the breeder’s task to breed as socially compatible dogs as possible, which fit most people.

The behavior genes can be easily determined genetically, helping to find the right partner for my female dog/male dog. Through a well-thought-out scoring system, every dog can be evaluated and allows for “freeing” the entire population from noticeable behavior.


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